Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Mel's tips for the summer

Dear Trinity Families, ...and I capitalize​ Families​ because tops, yep, tops is what you all are:

Obviously, a bit unofficial and casual as I touch base, Let’s all be unofficially relaxed these weeks. You all (Mid-Atlantic version of y’all) did a great job this year, and I look forward to next.

BUT not too fast/quick/speedy here:
Students; Read AT LEAST two books. As the wonderful writer James Michener stated:
If you don’t wear glasses by age 30, consider your life wasted. So read. Do yourself the honor. Reading on the beach or in the mountains or at the pool is wonderful. If you doubt my words, try it. If you don’t find it wonderful, I’ll give you a lollipop when you return.

How about a bit of service work? Just do 5 hours. Call an organization (Humane Society, Children’s Hospital Ward, Assisted Living, Food Bank), and document how you feel afterward. Show me the documentation, and you know the outcome; lollipop!

Now, in honor of your folks, cook (or prepare) a meal every week. It MUST include cleaning up afterward and must include a dessert and salad.

Have a great one. Laugh, pray, hug, laugh some more. Be kind. Enjoy. Don’t burn, stay healthy, be impeccable with your words, don’t take things so personally, assume nothing, and always give it all you’ve got. (Plagiarism at its finest) And ​DO NOT,​ go a single day without telling your people how much you love them. If you do this every day, I’ll give you a lollipop.

It’s a bit late but grow something outside. A plant, flower, green pepper plant, etc. It’s good for the soul if you have one, and great if you need one.

See if you can go ONE FULL DAY without your electronic device. Few of you have the power or strength or self discipline or integrity or heart to do it. In fact if you can do it I’ll give you a ...
Just text or email me at the end of that day and...

It’s inappropriate to say I love you to you individually, but frankly I’m too old to worry about that nonsense, so I will openly state that... ya’ll are okay.

Be well. Be very well. Xx-

Avoiding the summer slide